We run across a lot of interesting ideas when it comes to tree care and some old wives tales about cutting a tree, topping a tree, or caring for tree wounds, but these are some of the most popular tree care myths and we’re going to debunk them today.
Myth #1. Paint a tree wound to help it heal.
This is actually a very common myth and people think that painting a tree that’s been cut or pruned could prevent insects or disease, but it actually doesn’t help. Trees don’t repair damage or infection but instead grow a barrier that seals it from an harmful tissue. Fit trees don’t need any help in this process. If we interfere with paint, we might cause more long-term damage than just letting the tree heal itself.
Myth #2. You should prune branches close to the trunk.
Actually, pruning too close to the trunk can cause decay and disease and ultimately could kill the tree if done incorrectly. Down by the base of a branch is the branch color. Trees need this part of the limb to remain fit and undamaged. When pruning a young tree, leave a few inches at the base of the branch. Bigger trees should have professional tree removal and tree pruning assistance.
Myth #3. All trees have deep roots.
In reality, most trees have wide and shallow roots staying near the surface where the soil is loose, it can get oxygen, and soak up water from the ground. Most of the time root systems are wider than its canopy and can easily be damaged by construction or heavy activity right on top of the roots.
Myth #4. Topping a tree is a good way to prune it.
Topping a tree is actually one of the worst things you can do to a tree. It removes too many of the tree’s branches and leaves causing it to get sick and be susceptible to disease. It’s better to wind-sail the tree and thin out larger branches by a professional rather than topping it.
Myth #5 You have to stake a newly planted tree.
While there are some appropriate arguments for staking a tree, studies of actually shown the trees tend to develop better and have a more hearty an extensive root system when they are not staked. They may actually develop a better trunk taper as well. The key is supplanting the tree deep enough. Too many people planted just below the surface so that eventually the root start to show on the top of the soil. If you want the tree to care for itself, it’s better to plant it a little bit deeper and not stake it.
Myth #6 Prune a tree heavily when first planted.
It’s actually better to establish a tree when they’re not pruned all the way back. The tree needs a full crown so can produce food and plan hormones which can promote root growth.
Myth #7 If the tree has lost a significant portion of its roots, the crown should become back to compensate for the loss.
This is actually a pretty common recommendation but there’s not a lot of research to support it. After significant root loss, unproven trees can actually respond better than pruned trees. Any removal of the branches could reduce the capacity of the tree to produce food in the leaves they’ll, and there could be some loss branches as a result of this. But, it’s usually better to let the tree decide which limbs and branches should be naturally pruned and after the tree has responded to the damage, only then should you do any further pruning if necessary. It’s always important to get advice from a professional tree removal or tree care specialist before pruning a tree that is lost some undergone grew damage.
Myth #8 When removing a branch, make sure the final cut is flush with the stem.
Trees actually compartmentalize their wounds and they generate more wood for the wounded area, so if you cut the tree branch of flesh with the stem or the trunk you could remove the branch color and actually create a larger damaged spot.
Myth #9 If you don’t like the location of the tree it can be easily moved.
Moving a tree can actually damage it. Once the roots have been established, moving the tree in the future can cause harm. Of course, sometimes moving a tree is unavoidable, but you need to double check how big the crown of the tree will get to make sure that the roots have room to grow 2 to 3 times that width. It’s best to decide where the tree is going to be and then let it establish in that spot.
Lineage Tree Care provides that exceptional and professional tree care and pruning services throughout Woodinville, Bothell, Kirkland, Seattle, and the east side