View Clearing

Medina Tree Care“Yeah, that site looks good there, Tom.” “Let’s clear it and build a few dozen houses out there!” “Sounds good, Bob. Now if we just had someone to clear all these trees, brush and debris!”

I know… Call Lineage Tree Care! That’s what we do!

Not only do we view clear for major projects, developments, and communities, but we clear the view for homeowners that just lost their view in the last couple years due to some major growth in surrounding trees. Of course, the trees have to be on your property to be removed, HA! But that’s what we do!

We don’t leave a mess either; we clear that place up and clean it up! You don’t want to mess with the debris, limbs, needles, branches, and mess leftover from a view clearing. Let us do it! We’ll clear it and clean and get it ready for your next step.

It’s those trees that just grow up over time and slowly invade your view. That view you once had looking over Possession Sound in Everett, or you miss the way you can see the morning sun shine off Lake Washington. Maybe it’s the Cascades in the backdrop of your property that is no longer visible. Get those trees either trimmed or removed and Voila! You have your view back.

Call us today for an over the phone estimate or schedule an on-site estimate with our crew!


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