Pine trees are some of the hardiest plants available and generally require little-to-no maintenance. So what are you supposed to do when you’re faced with a dying pine tree?
From the tree experts here at Lineage Tree Care, this blog post will help you figure out why your pine tree is dying and teach what you can do to save it.
How to Treat a Pine Tree That’s Turning Brown
If your pine tree’s needles are turning brown or falling, then your tree is telling you that something is wrong. Pines have needs and browning, falling needles are a major indication that some of these needs are not being met.
Pine Tree Care Tips
Browning needles are generally caused by an inability to carry water up into the tree’s branches. This can be caused by the tree not getting enough water and by getting too much water.
How to Save a Pine Tree From Dying During Rainy Season
During seasons of heavy rain, water-logged soil can cause root rot. Root rot destroys your pine’s root system, preventing the tree from uptaking water, and leading to brown needles. If the soil around your tree is wet to the touch and the needles are browning, then root rot is the likely culprit.
To mitigate the risk of root rot, improve drainage around your tree, ensure your sprinkler system isn’t adding any water to the problem, and get a professional tree care expert to determine the kind of fungus causing the root rot. Once you know the specific fungus, you can fight it with a chemical fungicide or other pine tree disease treatment.
How to Save a Browning Pine Tree During a Drought
On the other hand, if your tree is weathering an especially dry season, then the browning may be caused by a lack of water. Poke your finger down into the soil around your tree. If the soil 1-2 inches below the surface is dry, then increase watering to save your tree.
But don’t keep the hose on your tree 24/7!
If the soil is too wet, you risk root rot and other problems. To prevent this, water deeply a couple of times a week and don’t water again until the soil around the pine tree is dry to the touch.
How to Tell if Your Pine Tree Is Dying
If you’re still wondering, “Is my pine tree dead or dying?” then here are some signs, in addition to browning needles, to look out for:
- Falling branches. If an abnormal amount of branches are falling off your tree, then it may have a fungal disease.
- Missing bark. Missing, dented, or loose bark spots are called “cankers.” Cankers indicate that your tree is fighting disease and losing. Swift action is necessary to save the tree and prevent it from dying.
- Trunk holes. These are cavities in your tree that are caused by a decaying trunk. If your tree is developing a lot of trunk holes, then it’s an indicator that your tree is dying.
Get Expert Help
The best way to solve your pine tree problems is to work with a tree care specialist, like Lineage Tree Care. Our pine tree experts have the experience necessary to diagnose your tree issues and help your tree heal. And if your tree has already died or is becoming a risk, we have tools to quickly and safely bring the pine tree down.
To learn more about our pine tree treatment services, please contact our office today.